Biodynamic viticulture, according to Jochen Dreissigacker, is the logical consequence for anyone who is intensively involved in organic viticulture. The conversion of the winery to biodynamic viticulture was completed in 2019.
Biodynamic viticulture means working as close to nature as possible to create optimal conditions for the wine to thrive and grow. The basic idea of biodynamic viticulture is to work holistically. Nature supports, protects and strengthens itself in recurring cycles. In this respect, not only the vine, but the entire wine-growing operation is part of an organism with complex cycles. The biodynamic winegrower captures the forces of nature, utilizes them and allows them to flow back into the cycle of nature. In this way, the grapes and ultimately the wine achieve outstanding quality on the one hand, while nature is sustainably strengthened on the other. It is a give and take, a form of mutual respect. This is the only way to achieve balance in the cycle of the vine.


Instead of mineral fertilizers, so-called preparations are used in biodynamic viticulture. They vitalize the soil and plants and have a positive effect on the quality of the grapes. A distinction is made between compost preparations and spray preparations.
To comply with the basic idea of biodynamics and to promote the vitality of the soil, the compost is produced in-house. From green waste, cattle manure, grape marc and soil. These are piled up, mixed and aerated to add oxygen to the compost. The result of long and careful preparatory work is not just healthy soil, but black gold that enables the soil to regenerate itself in the long term. When introduced into the soil, the compost builds up the humus content and stores CO2. A fundamental contribution to climate neutrality.
Horn manure and horn silica are applied in homeopathic doses in biodynamic vineyards. They promote soil life and improve the storage capacity of organic wine.

It is a long-term investment in nature and the wines, a vision, a cycle.