Dreissigacker Magazine

Dreissigacker Magazine

Our bottles contain so much more than just a regional drink with a few percent alcohol from fermented grape juice: they contain passion, time and many, many stories. Stories that we would like to pass on.

Consciously offline, consciously on paper. On uncoated natural paper that comes from sustainably managed forests and is printed with inks that are free of mineral oils. And yes, produced in a climate-neutral way with corresponding emissions offsetting. 

Just as sustainable as our wines. 

If you are interested in one of the issues of our magazine, please feel free to contact us.

Magazine N°4

The Future Issue

Revolutionising the wine industry and leading it into the future is a goal that we at Dreissigacker are pursuing with all our strength and energy. In the final consequence, this meant releasing our first NFT for maturing wines in spring 2022 - one of the wine world's first NFTs. A direction that will lead the way. It foreshadows great things and will take viticulture the way we know it to the next level. In addition, Jochen Dreissigacker and his team have realised exciting projects, taken part in fabulous events such as the OMR Festival 2022, organised such events themselves and found wonderful new partners and friends in the process. We report on these and other topics in the fourth issue of our magazine, we take you once again on a culinary round trip to our favourite places and reveal our insider tips.

Magazine N°3

The Endurance Issue

Just like the rest of the world, the year 2020 held us transfixed. The pandemic spread to every country, and of course the wine industry wasn’t spared either. A setback? No, a challenge. An opportunity for new ideas, innovations and approaches. A lemon that with imagination and determination could be made into lemonade. We discovered just how many people we could reach and enthuse with our online wine tastings. How fantastic the personal, direct contact at these events can be despite the physical distance.

We rediscovered cooking and came up with lots of recipes that can be perfectly paired with our wines. We launched the »Dreissigacker-Academy« on YouTube, where we share our accumulated wine knowledge and give viewers a glimpse of how we work.

Despite the pandemic, we got to meet fascinating new people like Paul Ripke, with whom we launched our new project and released the Pariesling wine, which you can read more about in this issue. You can also discover the truly personal value that time has for us, and why it matters for our wine. We also introduce you to more fascinating members of our team and to some of our favourite restaurants and hotels around the globe.

Magazine N°2

The Biodynamic Issue

The year 2019 meant one thing above all for us: the last step towards sustainability and the acquisition of exceptional qualities — the transition to biodynamic winemaking. Concepts that we have been busy working on for some time have now been implemented.

It was a step that had to be considered carefully. Biodynamic winemaking is a science, a philosophy, in its own right. Simply using biodynamic products is not enough. Instead, you must get to grips with the plants, exchange experiences with colleagues, study the science intensively. It is a religion based on a most personal belief in the great power of nature.

In the second issue of our magazine, we present this transition to biodynamic winemaking, the future of our wines. We introduce our wonderful team and our new wine VINTAGES, which has great potential to become a firm favourite.

Magazine N°1

The Premiere Issue

In this issue, you can read about the construction of our new winery building in the midst of the Bechtheim vineyards. About our work with film actor Til Schweiger. About the incredible 2018 harvest, documented by Peter Bender in a fascinating film. About cooking with wine. About our favourite destinations beyond the borders of Rheinhessen. And about the unique »Legenden« magnum marking the start of our new range for discerning wine collectors.